Funeral Plan

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Funeral Plan

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A Funeral Plan you can trust – losing a loved one is already hard enough for those left behind, ensure that funeral expenses and financial strain are the last things they have to worry about. We have different cover options to suit your budget and family needs.

Why choose iWYZE Funeral Plan?

iWYZE Funeral Plan is brought to you by Old Mutual, a brand you can trust.

Flexible cover options with pay-outs of up to R70 000 per insured person on the iWYZE Funeral Plans and up to R50 000 per parent/parent-in-law covered under the Optional Cover on any iWYZE Funeral Plan

Three different plans to choose from – iWYZE Individual, Single Adult Family or Family Funeral Plan and Optional Cover for parents/parents-in-law on any of these plans.

Optional cover for a maximum of four parents/parents-in-law may be added to any iWYZE Funeral Plan at an extra premium per parent. This includes your or your spouse's biological, legally adoptive or stepparents not older than 84.

An unlimited number of dependent children covered on our Family and Single Adult Family Funeral Plans.

Money back guarantee pays a benefit equal to all the premiums we've received if an insured person dies due to causes other than an accident in the waiting period.

Quick, easy and paperless applications
online or by telephone.

Easy funeral cover
no medical tests required

Terms and conditions apply. Please note this is a summary of the iWYZE Funeral Plan for information purposes only and does not replace the iWYZE Funeral Plan’s terms and conditions. Any claim for benefits will be considered against the terms and conditions that apply at the time of claim and as set out in the policy documentation.

What are the different iWYZE Funeral Plan options?

iWYZE Individual Funeral Plan

  • This plan covers you only.

iWYZE Single Adult Family Fune

This plan covers:
  • you and
  • your dependent children

iWYZE Family Funeral Plan

This plan covers:
  • you;
  • your spouse and
  • dependent children

These plans were not designed to cover any other person for example an additional spouse or another extended relative such as a grandparent, cousin, sibling, niece and nephew unless Optional Cover for parents/parents-in-law was purchased at an additional premium.

Who is eligible for cover under the iWYZE Funeral Plan?

You must be 18 or older and younger than 60 when you applied. You and all insured persons must be and remain for the policy lifetime, permanent residents of South Africa with valid South African identity documentation.

What Optional Cover is available?

A maximum of four parents/parents-in-law, not older than the age of 84, may be added to any iWYZE Funeral Plan at an extra premium for each additional parent.

Who qualifies as a dependent child?

Dependent child means your biological, legally adopted or stepchild who is not married and at the time of his/her death, is:
  • younger than 21,
  • a full-time student younger than 26,
  • totally dependent on you because of mental or physical disability, or
  • a stillborn.
To qualify for cover under the iWYZE Single Adult Family Funeral Plan or iWYZE Family Funeral Plan, a stepchild’s biological or legally adoptive parent must, at any time after the birth of the stepchild, have been married to you. For the purposes of this definition, married means a marriage (including a customary marriage) or union recognised under South African law. The child of the person you live with as a couple (common-law relationship) will not be regarded as your stepchild.

A stillborn is your biological child who was inside the mother’s womb for at least 182 days.

Who is as a spouse?

Spouse means the person you are married to by any law, custom or religion, or if you are not married, the person you live with as a couple (common-law relationship).


Parents/parents-in-law mean biological, legally adoptive or stepparent of the Policyholder or his/her Spouse.

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for an affordable, reliable Funeral Plan you can trust.