Old Mutual Insure disclaimer


Old Mutual disclaimer

Old Mutual Life Assurance Company (South Africa) Limited and its directors, officers and employees shall not be responsible and disclaims all liability for any loss, damage (whether direct, indirect, special or consequential) and/or expense of any nature whatsoever, which may be suffered as a result of or which may be attributable, directly or indirectly, to the use of, or reliance upon any information, links or service provided through this website.

Without limiting the generality of the aforesaid, the information provided on this website is intended to provide you, the user, with objective information about Old Mutual’s financial products and services and is not intended to constitute a recommendation, guidance or proposal in regard to the suitability of any product in respect of any financial need you may have. Calculations made/obtained by means of the calculators, planning tools or other facilities made available on this website are for illustrative purposes only and, unless the contrary is specifically stated, are subject to written confirmation by Old Mutual at the time of concluding a transaction.

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information contained on this website, Old Mutual Life Assurance Company (South Africa) Limited and its directors, officers and employees provide no representation or warranty, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness or correctness of information contained in this website.

Without limiting the generality of the aforesaid, information on this website is not directed at persons in the United Kingdom as investment advice, as an investment advertisement or as an offer of securities in the United Kingdom. The information contained herein does not constitute an offer for sale in the United States. The securities described herein have not, and will not, be registered under the US Securities Act of 1933 and may not be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, into the United States.