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Before deciding on buying car insurance, do your research, compare quotes and insurance benefits. Once you are convinced and have decided on an insurer, take the time to read your policy documents (a trustworthy insurer is transparent, and will send you the documents in writing). This way, you will know in detail what your car cover entails. Familiarise yourself with the terms &conditions and underwriting rules.
Some car insurers have built good claims handling reputation, and a trustworthy insurer will have an excellent claims payout record. Check the car insurer’s claim rejection rate, read their customers’ testimonials and check what people have to say about them on a compliment or complaint site.
Excellent customer service is the speed, accuracy, and courtesy that a car insurer demonstrates when assisting their customers. You can tell if an insurer is trustworthy by how they prioritise excellent service. They will contact you back in good time once you’ve indicated you’re interested in car insurance, keep their promises, always revert to you with feedback and keep you in the loop with the progress of either your complaint or claim.
To sum it up, look for an insurer that:
Remember that success comes with a partner you can trust. Make the wise car insurance choice, be with Old Mutual iWYZE.
Terms and conditions apply. Please note that the content displayed on this site is for information purposes only and does not replace our policies’ terms and conditions. The policy wording supersedes any marketing material. Any claim will be considered against the terms and conditions that apply at the time of claim and as set out in out customers’ policy documentation.